Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stupid humanity

I can't believe how gullible humanity is.. how people are so much like sheep.. blindly following trends because someone else does it, because it's easier to follow someone else.

2012: Time for Change | IT'S OUR WORLD TO CHANGE  

So earlier in the week we had a hermit crab fiasco. My youngest son, CJ, had taken his crab out and then decided to smash it's claw... which actually fell off shortly after along with a leg. The next day my oldest son discovered it's 'dead body' laying in the water, complete with wet drippy guts. I sadly scooped up the carcass and old shell and brought it to the kitchen sink, tipped over the old shell and discovered a bright pink alienesk parasite! (The crab)  but only after trying to scoop out the 'old' crab skeleton from the shell. I heard a distinct suction sound as I used my flimsy wooden toothpick and then it moved, scaring the life out of me.
And then I googled hermit crab molting and discovered that I needed to recover the old skeleton shell out of the garbage and put both the crab and old skeleton back in the tank so it could eat the old shell. The next day I lifted the hermit hut ( half a coconut shell ) and saw the whole crab out of it's shell curled up on top of the old shell and it was eating it. It was so gross, like looking at a naked creature that had just been born. It still looked like a parasite, so of course I called all the kids over to laugh at how it looked without it's shell.  Fun times!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another tv show idea

So, after watching the 5th Final Destination, it dawned on me thatthey could easily make. It into a tv show with new talent, they could have it open to the public for ideas. I think it would be a hit... each show could have a hidden moral message about making good choices, or speaking out, or making sure you are living life to it's fullest, about being kind.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Great new interactive movie idea

Choose your own adventure interactive movie. $35 per movie. Blue ray connect. How awesome would that be, choosing your own movie...

Pee surprises

So I'm trying to squeeze in a little "me" time with a workout at home. because the man is home, and I think he can watch them.. right? And so I start my workout, which is going great because I love it. A mix between Pilates and yoga... perfect.. then comes "mat work" so I lay down, and then I smell it.. It's the distinct smell of old poop and pee that has been sitting somewhere.. somewhere is the key. Where could it be.. I don't really want to interrupt my workout with a pee and poop search but I must because every deep breath or any breath really, is tainted by the stale gross smell of old pee and poop. Yuck. So I pause my workout, thank you Netflix.. and I search, when to my surprise it is actually in an appropriate place for once, the training potty. Thank god! Phew! at least it didn't take me an hour of searching through toys only to find it enclosed in a block or giant Lego.. haha

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thank god i can use the internet correctly.

I am just happy that I know how to use a mouse, how to right click, how to use multiple web browsers, and super happy that I know. There is more than one web browser... and happy I know how to open another tab. But right now, I'm happy that I discovered blogger has an app to blog at will and that I successfully downloaded it to my smart phone that usually makes me feel like a confused 4 year old. ;) huzzah!